Annual Report of DLLE 2014-2015
In the year 2014-2015, Wada College of Management & Science, At.: Harosale, Wada, Department of Lifelong Learning & Extension (DLLE) appointed Assistant Professor Mr. Sameer Suresh Warghade & Miss. Yogita A. Patil as Extension work teacher. To compile one unit of 74 students, Notice was displayed on the notice board and as per the number of applications the DLLE teachers selected 71 students and 3 Student Managers (Total 74 Students) selected for University of Mumbai’s Department of Lifelong Learning & Extension (DLLE). The List was sent for enrollment to the University’s DLLE Office at Vidyapeeth Vidyarthi Bhavan, Churchgate, Mumbai.
The beginning of the WCMS DLLE, for all Students who was selected Status of Women in Society (SWS) and Population Education Club (PEC) as a activity, the work has been distributed of Awareness for true and beneficial things among people and help to needy people.
29th November, 2014: Wada college of Management & Science’s 2 Student Managers and Extension work Teacher were participated in second term training program at Vidyapeeth Vidyarthi Bhavan, Churchgate, Mumbai.
8th December, 2014: After the Successful training program in University Principal madam & Extension work teacher conducted training session for DLLE students. Here the brief introduction about DLLE, its importance & benefits are explained. Then the Student Managers are instructed about conduction of activity whichever selected.
Peace Rally: 10th December, 2014:
To protest the attack on school at Islamabad, Pakistan our DLLE student organizes peace rally from college campus to Wada.
Poster Making Competition: 18th December, 2014:
The Inauguration was done by at 11:00 am. At the same day DLLE students make posters on various topics. Such as: Child labor, Women Harassment, Women Security, Hunger, etc.
Survey of Status of Women in Society: From 19th December – 24th December, 2014:
As an activity selected by students our students conducted survey at Wada and nearby villages. While surveying we come to know the conditions of women, the educational impact, their family growth, status of women etc.
Participated in UDHAN festival – 2015 on 16th January, 2015 at Joshi – Bedekar College, thane:
In this university festival our two students participated for poster making competition. 1) Maduri Patil 2) Jagruti Mokashi. From that poster prepared by Jagruti Mokashi won 1st rank.
Field Coordinator Visit on 27th January, 2015:
On 27th January, 2015 field coordinator Mrs. Jayashree Thakare madam visited college at Harosale, Wada. In that training session mam train the students about project making and finalizing the activity.
She also instructs the student managers about preparing and maintaining records of activities conducted by students.
Throughout the all DLLE activities all the staff and students helped us with the consent of Chairman Mr. Yogesh Gandhe and Principal Dr. Snehal S. Donde.