ATKT for Faculties of Commerce is read as under:
Following are the extracts of the Ordinances of the University of Mumbai relating to the A.T.K.T. provisions from the First Year to Second Year B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. course and from Second Year to Third Year B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. course.
A.T.K.T. provisions from First Year B.Com. to Second Year B.Com.:
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Second Year B.Com. course must have either
(i) Passed the First Year B.Com. Examination, or
(ii) Have kept terms for the First Year B.Com. course and failed in not more than two Heads of passing (i.e. not more than 200 marks) at the First Year B. Com. Examination in which case he will be required to appear for the First Year B.Com.
Examination in the Head/s in which he has failed either previously or simultaneously with the Second Year B.Com.
Examination and his result of the Second Year B.Com. Examination will not be declared unless he has passed in the Head/s in which he has failed at the First Year B. Com. Examination.
A.T.K.T. provisions from Second Year B.Com. to Third Year B.Com.:
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Third Year B. Com. course must have either
(i) Passed the First Year and Second Year B. Com. Examinations, or
(ii) Passed the First Year B.Com.. Examination and have failed at the Second Year B.Com. Examination in not more than two Heads* of passing (i.e. not more than 200 marks), in which case he will be required to appear for the Second Year B.Com. Examination in the remaining Head/s in which he has failed either previously or simultaneously with the Third Year B.Com. Examination and his result of the Third Year B.Com. Examination will not be declared unless he has passed in the remaining Head/s of the Second Year B.Com. Examination.
Further, a candidate who has failed at the First Year B. Com. Examination in not more than two Heads of passing (i.e. not more than 200 marks) and has passed in all the subjects for the Second Year B. Com. Examination is permitted to keep terms and appear for the Third Year B. Com. Examination. But such a candidate will not be declared to have passed the Third Year B.Com. Examination unless he has passed in the concerned Head/s of the First Year B. Com. Examination.
ATKT for Faculties of Science is read as under:
A.T.K.T. provisions from First Year B.Sc. to Second Year B.Sc.:
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Second Year B.Sc. course must have either
(i) Passed the First Year B.Sc. Examination, or
(ii) have kept terms for the First Year B.Sc. course and failed in not more than two Heads of passing, total, of which shall not exceed 220 marks, in which case he will be required to appear for the First Year B.Sc. Examination in the Head/s in which he has failed either previously or simultaneously with the Second Year B.Sc. Examination and his result of the Second Year B.Sc. Examination will not be declared unless he has passed in the Head/s in which he has failed at the First Year B. Sc. Examination.
A.T.K.T. provisions from Second Year B.Sc. to Third Year B.Sc.:
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Third Year B. Sc. course must have either
(i) Passed the First Year and Second Year B. Sc. Examinations, or
(ii) passed the First Year B.Sc. Examination and have failed at the Second Year B.Sc. Examination in not more than two Heads* of passing, total, of which shall not exceed 300 marks, in which case he will be required to appear for the Second Year B.Sc. Examination in the remaining Head/s in which he has failed either previously or simultaneously with the Third Year B.Sc. Examination and his result of the Third Year B.Sc. Examination will not be declared unless he has passed in the remaining Head/s of the Second Year B.Sc. Examination. Further, a candidate who has failed at the First Year B. Sc. Examination in not more than two Heads of passing, total, of which shall not exceed 220 marks and has passed in all the subjects for the Second Year B. Sc. Examination is permitted to keep terms and appear for the Third Year B. Sc. Examination. But such a candidate will not be declared to have passed the Third Year B. Sc. Examination unless he has passed in the concerned Head/s of the First Year B. Sc. Examination.