Annual Report – Student Council Committee

From : Asnt. Prof. Mr. Prashant Jadhav.

The Committee is one of the main units of college & bound to fulfill all needs of college assets as well as all belongings of the college including creature and will do every part of activity which is urgent situation.

Code of Conduct :

The Student Council committee has one General Secretary and one Assistant G.S. ; They will look to the Issues of Students and solve them at acceptable level with the Help of Staff if needed. The Committee will work throughout the year.

Duties of Student Council Leaders

  • President
    • Represent the student body at school, district, and civic meetings
    • Develop agenda for and preside at student council meetings.
    • Knows the basic rules of parliamentary procedure.
    • Votes when there is a tie.
    • Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.
  • Vice President
    • Represent the student body at school, district, and civic meetings (as requested by the president)
    • Knows the basic rules of parliamentary procedure.
    • Serves in the absence of the president.
    • Coordinates the work of committees.
    • Heads important committees.
    • Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.
  • Secretary
    • Keeps accurate minutes of meetings.
    • Handles all council correspondence.
    • Reports at each meeting the minutes from previous meeting.
    • Type materials for student council officers and committee chairpeople.
    • Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.
  • Treasurer
    • Presents proposed budget of activities to the student council.
    • Handles all funds.
    • Keeps accurate record on income and expenses.
    • Reports at each meeting on money matters.
    • Coordinates fundraising projects of the student council.
    • Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.
  • Historian
    • Keeps newspaper clippings and council photos in an organized notebook.
    • Informs media about upcoming student events.
    • Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.
  • Class Representatives
    • Attend student council meetings and report back to classrooms.
    • Report class feedback to the council.
    • Rotate positions to give more students a chance to participate.
    • Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.

Ideas For Your Student Council


  • Arm Wrestling: Hold an all school arm wrestling competition. You can have boys against boys, girls against girls, or coed. It could be a money maker by charging people to enter. Don’t forget prizes!
  • Basketball Tournament: You could do three on three, teachers vs. students, or teachers vs. teachers of a rival school.
  • Beach Party: Rent a swimming pool or hold a party at a nearby lake. Play games like volleyball and other “beach” sports, hire a DJ, and don’t forget the food!
  • Bonfire: Promote school spirit by holding a bonfire. Roast marshmallows, have camping games, and sing songs.
  • Car Smash: Raise money by getting an old car and charge people to hit it with a bat. You could also write things on the bus like drugs or a rival school.
  • Coffee House With Open Mic/Poetry Reading: Involve your diverse students by having a coffee house. Set up a mic and bongo drums and allow students to share their famous or personal songs and poetry. Don’t forget the coffee and hot cocoa!
  • Costume Contest: Encourage students to dress up for Halloween by holding a costume contest. Set up catwalks for people to walk down and model their stuff.
  • Country Line/ Square Dancing Night: Have a hoe down dance and hire country line dancers to show your school how to do it. Reduce admission price for people that dress western.
  • Cow Plop Bingo: Make a huge bingo grid with 40 squares on your football field. Sell each square for 100 Rupee. Spread out hay and let a few cows roam around and eat for a while. After an hour or so, the square with the most “cow essence” wins the entire Rupee.