NSS Report On Tree Plantation 2016-2017
Wada College of Management & Science, Harsole, Tal-Wada, Dist-Palghar successfully completed The event of “Tree Plantation” under the National Service Scheme(NSS) at college campus on Friday, 1st July, 2016 which is celebrate as “Agri day” by Government of Maharashtra. Maharashtra Government undertook the campaign of “Green Maharashtra” which was to be executed by planting 2 crore trees in Maharashtra state. Every man need the oxygen for their life and Trees are the foremost source of oxygen as well trees helps to reduce the level of co2.
As we all know that the whole world is facing the problem of global warming and to recover from such problem planting the trees has become one of the most important today’s aspects.
The event was commenced with the welcoming and felicitation of chief guest. Mr.Yogesh Ghandhe, Chairman, Wada College of Management & Science introduced the chief guest honorable Mr.Sandip Pawar and then everyone pledged to plant, care and conserve trees.
Through the speech chief guest addressed our students and faculties to not only plant the trees but also to save and guard the trees, he shared his experiences with volunteers that how to get the success through the NSS and develop the extracurricular skill for daily life.
All the inspirational words of guest and chairman helped to inculcate the feeling of responsibility within each of the person present for the event. The speech of the chief guest was followed by the actual event of planting the seedlings. First tree was been planted by Mr. Sandip Pawar in our college premises and then our NSS volunteers planted the trees. Total tree planted by all others including guest, teachers, volunteers are more than 50 on that day.
The educational and social goal of NSS implies that besides gaining; understanding of concept like social structure, power, community etc. occurring in real life situation, students should acquire competence in the field of program planning, shouldering responsibilities, participation in cooperative task and promotional work in the community.
The goal of NSS is also to improve educational approach in solving community problem. Its purpose is to help the community to recognize its needs and to assist mobilization of recourse to meet these needs. NSS unit of Wada College of Management & Science.